Vaginal Yeast Infection

An uncontrolled growth of the yeast in the vaginal area is the reason to cause the vaginal yeast infection. The treatment is common and depends on the severity of the infection and whether its the recurring one.

Vaginal yeast infection is also known as vaginal candidiasis or vulvovaginal candidiasis. A heathy human body contains several bacteria’s and fungus that resides within and function normally, however due to up surging of certain factors the balance of these bacteria and yeast gets disturbs and thereby resulting in the number of yeast cell that begins to multiply rapidly. This results in itching, irritation and swelling in the vaginal area.

Early diagnosis and treatment can bring the relieve in symptoms within a few days however in some cases it may last longer if the infections is severe. Vaginal yeast infections is not categorized as the sexually transmitted disease (STD) or sexually transmitted infection (STI). However, sexual contact during this infection may spread it, but the women who are not sexually active can also catch this infection.

Symptoms of the Yeast infection

  • swelling around the vagina.
  • soreness.
  • vaginal redness.
  • vaginal rash.
  • vaginal itching.
  • pain and burning during urination and sex.
  • appearance of the vaginal discharge can be different from the usual one, like it can be more watery, or whitish-yellow in color and clumpy (thick) too. While other experienced that the appearance of discharge is similar to the cottage cheese.

Causes of the Yeast infection

As mentioned earlier the yeast Candida is one of the naturally occurring microorganisms of our body, which is present in the vaginal area. The bacteria Lactobacillus checks its growth consistently.

However, if there is the rise in certain other factors within the body that is hampering the balance of the system, certainly the effect can be seen in the function of these bacteria’s too. This results in increasing the growth of the of the yeast more than required level and thus developing the yeast infections in the vaginal area.

Additionally, following are the other factors that may cause the rise in the unusual yeast growth causing vaginal infections:

  • pregnancy.
  • weak immune system.
  • uncontrolled diabetes.
  • stress.
  • hormonal imbalance.

In the group of Candida, the species name as Candida albicans is the most likely one to cause infections, but if the person is suffering from the recurring of the infections or its getting hard to get rid of this infections than one should consult the medical profession for the further assistance, that will help in identifying the other version of the Candida causing infection.

Diagnosis of the vaginal yeast infections

It is the simple process to diagnose the yeast infection, the doctor will be knowing about the person’s medical history. After that physical observation of the infected part will be done and if required than the doctor may ask the person to go for a lab test, where the patient will be asked to provide samples of the infected cells or as per the requirement.

Treatment of the yeast infection

Your health care provider will provide the antifungal medication to treat the vaginal infections. Although, it also depends on the severity of the infections and then accordingly the medication can be prescribed.

The role of antifungal medicine is to inhibit the overgrowth of the yeast in the body. These medications can be provided either orally or for topical use ( applying over the vaginal area or keeping them inside the vaginal area under with the applicator). One should follow the instructions given by the health care provider for using the medications, till the infections get resolved and if it still persists, it it strongly recommended to visit your doctor again.

When the person is undergoing the treatment for vaginal yeast infection, it is suggested that not to have sexual intercourse during that period, as it may cause more irritation and may take more longer time to get rid of infections.

Prevention from getting yeast infection

There are few common measures to reduce the risk of getting vaginal yeast infection, by making small changes in our lifestyle, these are as follows:

  • Avoid using scented pads or tampons.
  • Changing the wet clothes, gym wears, swim wears as soon as possible.
  • Wearing loose-fitting clothes, cotton underwear.
  • Water-based sexual lubricants should be used.
  • Avoid douching, as douching kills the bacteria that check the overgrowth of the yeast.
  • Feminine deodorants should not be used.
  • Keep checking the blood sugar lever, if someone falls under the category of diabetes.

Noticeable thing is that, if a person is suffering from four or more vaginal yeast infections per year, it is suggested that one should discuss this thing with the health care provider, who can guide you:

  • To go for a blood sugar test for diabetes.
  • To check for the HIV/AIDS.
  • Confirmation test for the vaginal yeast infection.
  • To discuss any hormonal changes that must have took place during pregnancy or birth control.

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